Sun infused Helianthemum apenninum - flower essence
Calm Flower Essence
CALM flower essence
The energy of this flower enhances profound natural relaxation, fostering a deep sense of calm and tranquility within you. It supports your body in attaining an optimal state, preventing panic and nurturing a grounded sense of well-being.
This flower is beneficial for overcoming intimidations, shyness, and public speaking nerves. It instills the confidence and composure necessary to conquer these challenges.
Allow this flower to serve as your guide, leading you to a blissful state where you can experience deep relaxation, ease, and a carefree mindset.
Recommended Dosage:
Add 3 to 4 drops to your favorite beverage 3 to 4 times a day. Taking more than the recommended dosage will not have any negative side effects, take with confidence.
Made with the energy of fresh wild flowers, pure water, sunlight, brandy, 24k gold, healing intentions & love.